Rabu, 13 Maret 2013

cerita english

English Theater Scrip

Prepared : * Wahyu Redha D.
                   * Laras Hawaning K.
                   * Asmaul S.F

Anything as beautiful as a rose, if we aren’t carefull the thorns of the rose, ofcourse will beat our fingers. The main point there is no perfectness in the wordl. Certainly there is a lack and excess.  As  with the story this time, we did not deserve our excess boasting. The story of the plant will take us to the table of self-correction.

Welcome to all ….
One day, in a village. Live Mr. Farmer which live alone in the house hut.
But in fact, he is n
ot alone. He was accompanied by four crop fields which he loved very much. The sun began to emits sheen. With joy, Mr. Farmer will go into the fields to meet the plant.

Farmer           : “ Yeah! It is time to meet my farm crops.” In the garden ..
Corn               : Look at my garden, full of my farm crops, There I was a corn, the most   beautiful plants. And every day, I always smiling . Because I'm the most is cheerful plants. Yeah , I’m the most cheerfur plants.”
Chili                : “Really?! Look at this chili, is sweetest crop. The most beautiful plants, and also kind.”
Corn               : “Hahaha, are you really? You’re not kidding? Chili? Oh my God.”
Chili                : “ish! Up to me. problem for you?!”
Corn               : “not at all!
Tomatoes        : “hey, hey,hey. Never mind! You’re hot , chilies! And you it’s not flat you know , Corn! you're beautiful anyway. but, your beauty away from me.”
Corn, Chili     : “ what? What you say?”
Chili                : “Hot?”
Corn               : “And not flat?”
Chili, Corn     : “Iiiuuuuhhh!!”
Corn               : “See your body tomatoes.
Chili                : “ Don’t be a dream!”
Tomatoes        : “Why?I am Pretty ? Cool? Cute? Yeah !"
Cassava          : “Hey friends, in neat, can I join you?”

(All look weird.)

Corn               : “I never thought!”
Chili                : “Helloo, you're not sleeping right?”
Cassava          : “Um, why? Anything wrong? so crowded, we play together.”
Corn,Chili,Tomato: “ Really? Iuuuh!”
Tomatoes        : “ Don’t be a dream!”
Corn               : “"It is impossible!"
Chili               : Wake up! It's already noon!”
Cassava          : “I was not sleeping anyway.”
Corn               :  “Come on Cassava! You do not have to innocently!”
Cassava          : “But, I just wanted to join you.”
Tomatoes        : “You're looking at yourself first!”
Chili                : “You did not deserve to join us!”
Corn               : “I'm not willing to make friends, best friends, her sister. I'll catch dirty. So not cute anymore. Oh no!”
Cassava          : “But..”
Chili,Tomatoes,Corn : “ Go away !”

(Suddenly the farmer came…….)

Farmer           : “Good morning my plants!”
All plants        : “ Good morning Mr!”
Tomatoes        : “Yeah, hello Mr. My name tomatoes, I was the most special plants in      here.”
Corn               : “Hahaha you silly. Hello Mr. my name Corn is a very "special" plants in the world.”
Chili                : “Hellooo!!! In the self-aware. Mr. my name is chili. I was the  very very very and very  "special" here.
Corn, Tomatoes: “it’s a dream!”
Cassava          : “Hai guys. Please, don’t fight!”
Other crops    : “Shut up!”
Corn               : “Hey Cassava!! Do not have to advise me. I was the most special plants.  Get it! "
Tomatoes        : “fabricate! you all in my lower level,  do you understand?!
Chilli               : "As if. You need not be a dream! "
Cassava          : “Enough , Do not fight continues. Noisy, you know?
Corn               : "Come on cassava, shut up! Do not be looking face in front of Mr.  Farmer! "
Cassava          : “I mean is not it ..”
Tomatoes        : "Halaah .. do not have to find excuses continue. Stale! "

( Mr. Farmer was deliberately silent as to see them fight. Because he wanted to know which plants are really good heart. Then he would turn it into a human and will be raised to be a princess. )

Corn               : “Do not you want got special degrees ?”
Cassava          : "I easily got the title.”
Chili                : "Really wrote, plants like you say 'Special'? hahaha. "
Tomatoes        : "She life in the ground."
Chili                : "That's right, I agree. really squalid your life!”
Cassava          : "You do not say so, please."
Corn               : “Why? You don’t like it?”
Cassava          : “it’s not so ..”
Tomatoes        : "So what? Most you talk! You're really dirty!”
Tomatoes,Chili,Corn : “yeah, Cassava dirty. Iuuh, very dirty!”
Farmer           : “Please enough! Do not fight continues! You are all special in my  eyes.”
Corn              : “Shut Mr! Stay out of our business! These is business the plants! You know!”
Tomatoes        : "Yes, that's right! Shut Mr!
Cassava          : “Hust, polite!”
Chili                : "urrgh! Come follow-on! Silence! Do you understand? "
Cassava          : "But."
Corn               : "Shut cassava, I feel sick really hear the sound lo!"
Farmer           : "Come on cassava,do not you listen to their words. "
Cassava          : "Please excuse my friends sir.”
Farmer                       :"Yes, father forgive."
Tomatoes        : "Please sir, you'd better tomorrow decide who the most most most special crop fields! What do you sir? "

(Heard this, Mr. Farmer looks a little thinking.)

Mr. Farmer    : "mm, okey! Father will decide tomorrow! And no one should oppose the   choice of the father. "
Corn               : “Okey, we wait your promise. Come on guys!”

In the night …

(Mr. Farmer is confused, tomorrow he has to choose one of the four plants that. Then, he began to think who is good-hearted and noble. Plants that will change his daughter. Because of all this Mr. Farmer was lonely living in that house.)

Farmer           : “Yeah, I know who will I choose.”

(In the garden at night…)

Cassava          : “Hey friends, do you believe the farmer asked to choose one of us? "
Chili                : “we mean it. why? you scared?
Cassava          : “No, I'm not afraid of that.”
Tomatoes        : “Mild you do not have to dream to be selected by the farmer.”
Cassava          : “Why?”
Corn               : “Yes, because we are sure, the farmer will not be the wrong choice. because it is best to us.”
Corn,Chili,Tomato:  “Pretty plants. So do not be a dream!”
Cassava          : “But I'm sure I can grab it all.”

An then, in the morning ….

Farmer           : "Well my plants. As the my promise and challenges that you gave yesterday. This morning I'll choose one of you are special plants. And I promise to make it as my daughter. "
Chilli               : "Haaaa? really? I'm sure that will be selected. Generally, because I'm pretty, smiling, kind, not arrogant and like to save. Hahahaha. "
Corn               : "Yeeee, own way! You look! your body so hot! Who would want to choose you?! Very, very hot!”
Chili                : “Ish,Own way!”
Tomatoes        : “Stop,stop,stop!! Hello, You don’t have glasse at home? See, Tomatoes is a very beautiful and no ugliness plant!”
 Corn,Chili     : “Hueeekk!!!”
 Farmer          : "It is! Keep it down! Dad had the right to decide who is choose! She kind of plant, smiling, intelligent and not overbearing. Although she just a plant that is not special, but she could bring himself to be very special. "
Chili                : “Who Mr. the plant?”
Farmer           : "Well, listen well! .. I chose, ........ Cassava as a special plant. And he's right to be my daughter. "

(All plants were surprised, they did not think that Mr. Farmer Cassava choose.)

Cassava          : "Thank you sir, for you to trust me. I promise I will not make you disappointed. "

(Said while kissing the hand of cassava Mr. Farmer.)

Chili,Corn, Tomatoes: “Urgh! It’s not fair ! The farmer evil!”
Farmer           : "I'm sorry children. You can not oppose the decision of the father. And  now You should apologize to Cassava. "
Corn               : “Well, I was a professional plant. I’m sorry Cassava.”
Chili                : “Me too.”
Tomatoes        : “Neither is so!”
Cassava          : “Yeah, I forgive you all, really! And please forgive me, if I have wronged you.”
Farmer           : "Well so, the father of the plant along and very happy.”
I want to, to make you happy
I want to , to make you smile
I want you , to feel like what I’m feeling
Happy3x …yeah3x

Never stop, to make you happy
Never stop, to make you laugh
Now it’s time to really make you happy
Happy 3x.. yeah3x

Listen to, my voice
Listen to, all my song
Come on join , with joy and happiness

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